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Maintenance contract                                    Do it yourself

Maintenance contract

Maintaining a good water balance is essential for bright and healthy swimming water. We keep a close eye on this balance and take action whenever necessary. Also, we will keep your pool clean.

When you have a maintenance contract with us, you pay a fixed monthly amount. In most cases, a weekly check up and clean up is good enough to keep a private pool clean.

Also for commercial pools we offer appropriate maintenance contracts.

BSC Pool&Spa

Our cleaning activities include amonst others.:

  • Vacuuming the pool floor

  • Cleaning the walls and waterline tiles

  • Backwashing and rinsing the filter

  • Cleaning the filter baskets

  • Measuring the water quality

  • Adding chemicals if necessary



When we take an already existing pool in maintenance, we will first assess whether or not it's is well balanced. If it's not, we will do whatever it takes to balance your water. For this, we charge our time. How much this will cost therefore depends on the condition of your pool. After this, we can start the maintenance contract. 

BSC Pool&Spa

BSC Pool&Spa

Do it yourself

If you want do your own pool maintenance, we will gladly help you get started. We will explain the cleaning process and the use of chemicals.

But remember: all goes well until something goes wrong… It can be very frustrating to suddenly have a completely green pool. Oh well, you can always give us a call. For us, it's no problem to take a look and give some advice to get you back on your feet.